Manuscript Evaluation
PLEASE NOTE: I currently have very limited slots available for editorial services in 2024.
The manuscript evaluation service is an exciting new addition to my services menu, and is designed to be a more financially accessible option for people who want professional, specialist feedback on their work, but either cannot or do not want to invest in a developmental edit or a manuscript critique.
I’ve long recognised that developmental editing services can be expensive, due to the time and level of intervention they require, and this can mean that some authors are unable to access quality developmental editing.
I’ve spent a lot of time working on a service that will provide an author with quality feedback on their manuscript whilst also keeping costs down. My manuscript evaluation service provides the author with feedback on where their writing strengths lie and where their book would benefit from further development.
How it works:
With this service, I discuss your needs and writing goals in depth with you, to get a good feel for your intentions and hopes for the manuscript. Then, I read the manuscript through and comment on the areas that elicit an emotional response, areas that are particularly strong, and areas that still need some work. I will also include a brief paragraph of feedback at the end of every chapter. I will also suggest three writing craft resources, specifically tailored to you and your manuscript, that I believe will help you with your revisions.
What you’ll receive:
One read through of your manuscript
An annotated copy of your manuscript which will include comments on both readability and narrative theory, and brief summary feedback on each chapter
A short report which will compile the summary feedback into one table
Three craft resource recommendations, specifically tailored to your needs
One brief post-project email exchange, to clarify anything the author is unsure about.
What is not included:
Any recommendations on how to go about making changes to your manuscript
Any recommendations of actions you can take to enhance the book
A post-project zoom discussion.
Who it is for:
This service is for authors who are ready to have a professional look at their work, but aren’t yet sure whether they need or want anything quite so in-depth as a manuscript critique or a developmental edit, or for authors who want professional feedback at a lower price point.
Every manuscript and critique is unique, and so all of my quotations will be bespoke, based on your individual project and requirements.
My quotations consider various factors including word count, service requested, the timescale, and the manuscript’s complexity and needs. As a member of the CIEP, my rates are in keeping with the industry standards, as detailed on the CIEP website.
If you think that a manuscript evaluation would be a good fit for you, please head to the contact page and fill in the enquiry form to discuss your needs. I will endeavour to get back to you within two working days (although often much sooner).

Interested? Contact me!
If you’re interested in a manuscript critique, please fill in my contact form and I’ll be in touch.